
lesson options

Group Hour Monthly $220 

Semi-Private 1 Hour Monthly $245

Semi-Private 1/2 Hour Monthly $225

Private Hour Monthly $300

Private 1/2 Hour Monthly $250

One Time Private Hour Lesson $85

One Time Private 1/2 Hour Lesson $75

Practice Ride (for LTS Students Only) $65

Jumping Private Monthly $340

Jumping Semi-Private Monthly $312

Jumping Single Lesson $95

Group Lessons consist of 4-6 riders of similar skill levels.

Semi-private lessons consist of 2-4 riders of similar skill levels.

Private lessons are conducted on a one to one basis, and include lead-line, lunge lessons, and balance lessons.

Any student who has little or no riding experience is required to first take private lessons until they meet the requirements of group/semi private lessons (below), if that is their goal.